Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Year Check Up

Asher's One Year Well Baby Visit was today. 
Here is the latest on our oldest.

12 Months 17 Days
Weight: 25.55 lbs (79%)
Length: 32 in (92%)
Head Circ: 48.5 cm (93%) HUGE :)

Skills: You are walking up to 10 steps, throwing the ball with both hands, working on eating with a spoon, and occasionally climbing out of the bathtub and onto the fireplace.

Sleep: We are all finally getting in a good routine. You sleep from about 7:30 pm to 8:00 am, waking up around 11 pm and putting yourself back to sleep. You still take 2 naps a day; usually a 2 or 3 hour nap in the morning and a 1 hour nap in the afternoon.

Speech: Little Man, you are quite the talker. When you aren't paying attention, you will repeat most anything. After you realize that you are doing it, you clam up. Some words you say consistently: eat, more, drink, down, momma, dad, dog, bottle, and stick.

Eating: You are great eater. Spaghetti is, by far, your favorite meal. You would it everyday if I would let you. Some other foods you like are tangerines, bananas, chicken noodle soup, oatmeal, and string cheese.

Things You Enjoy: Moving all the time, playing with your hockey stick, throwing the ball, chasing and feeding Juneau, taking a bath, and pulling on all the blinds in the house.

Things You Don't Love: Diaper changes, being buckled in the car seat, having your nose wiped, hearing your brother cry, and being confined, held, or cuddled are a few things you have a very strong opinion about.

We sure do love our big man.

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