Monday, April 22, 2013

Three & Fifteen

Declan {3 Months}

Growing Growing Growing.
 {Look At That Smile}

New This Month
THAT SMILE. Oh boy, does that smile just melt your momma. 

We are split now between newborn and 0-3 clothes. It just depends on the brand. You still fit in newborn diapers, but we ran out one day and used size ones and found out that they are far more absorbent and just haven't gone back. So, I guess you officially made the jump up. 

You are finally looking a little more your age. We have been supplementing and almost made the move all the way to formula because of some medicine I was taking. I have to say, I was really sad at first, but you really seem to like formula better. You eat more, sleep more, spit up less, and are just happier.

Your dad and I are thrilled with your sleeping habits. Napping every couple hours during the day and sleeping from around 11 pm- 7 am is just fine by us. The bassinet is still your spot at night, but you have started taking a few naps in your crib during the day. Two babies in one room all night is just too overwhelming for me to think about trying right now.

{Rocking with Dad}

Singing and being talked to are your favorite things. You are most vocal at night while Daddy is talking to you. There's A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea is your favorite song. This song usually morphs into a crazy story, but you love it. We finally found a pacifier, other than Micky, that you will tolerate. Now, I don't feel like I need to be on alert with only one pacifier, that's not even produced anymore, running around. Huge sigh of relief there.

{Thank You Dr. Brown}

Asher {15 Months}

Just when I didn't think I could love you any more, my heart just grew.
{Silly Guy}

New This Month
12-18 month clothing fits just about perfectly. You are still in a size 4 diaper, Huggies Overnights to be exact. Your eating schedule is about like ours, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with us and a bottle with each nap. We are trying hard to transition to only a sippy cup, but holding on to those sleepy time bottles. Some of your new favorite foods: tortilla chips (sorry, you got that from me), pinapple, any kind of chicken or meat, and jelly beans. 

{Always Delicious, Frozen Blueberries}

New words in your vocabulary: kitty, mama (more), dada (down). Some favorite activities include shape sorting, chasing animals, singing The Wheels On The Bus, setting off the car alarms with the remotes. You also learned how to scare Momma, you shut the door and then popped out really fast and yelled, AAAHHH! You just laughed and laughed when I was startled. 

You were a little sick this month. High fevers are pretty normal for you. Although, at 104.5 at one point, I had to draw the line and take you in to the ER. Just a virus, that developed into an ear infection, that turned into a rash from the antibiotic. Ugh, kid! I have never wished for summer more than this month. 


 {You loved picking up the eggs}

{Hunting Eggs}

{Trip to the Zoo}

 {Side By Side at 12 Weeks}