Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two & Fourteen

Declan {2 months}

My goodness, sweet littlest boy, how have two months passed since you were born. It seems like just days ago.
{Lady Killer}

We went to see Dr. Raley this week for your two month well baby visit. He said you are perfect! Here are the latest stats:

Weight: 9 lbs 11 oz (17%)
Length: 22 in (<3%) heart percent ha!
Head Circumference: (30%)

New This Month
We are kind of stuck in a holding pattern with clothes. Newborn clothes are getting a bit snug but you are swimming in 0-3 months. I imagine it won't be much longer before you make the jump up. Newborn diapers still fit great.

It really seems like you do your growing over the weekends. You'll eat and eat and eat for a few days and then take a day off. Sleep occurs in a similar 3 day pattern. You still have a period of fussiness from about 9 pm to 1 am, but sleep pretty much from 1 am to 7 am. But that stinkin third night...

Cuddling is still your favorite thing to do. You prefer to be held by Mom, but will tolerate others. A little smile has appeared this month. Usually it is in response to Grandma singing you silly songs. Big Brother still shows interest in eating your on occasion, but don't worry, he'll warm up eventually.

{Little Sleepy Guy}

Asher {14 Months}

Oh my Big Guy, you are fourteen months old and full of personality.

New This Month
Like I said, you are chock full of personality. Most of the time you a super joyful and so sweet. You laugh at every little thing and keep us entertained with all of your funny faces. There is another side to our happy guy, though. You have discovered exactly what you want and most of the time you want it right then. When this doesn't happen, you turn into something similar to The Incredible Hulk. This guy is pretty crazy, but we love him too, I suppose.

Cracker has been added to your vocabulary. It is frequently used, as it is your favorite food. Most days, we don't turn on the television. I really do not like the added noise and distraction. However, when I need to get something done around the house I can count on The Lorax for at least an hour of "babysitting." That is the only movie we have found that you really enjoy and will hold your attention. We also got dvd players for the car. Road trips just got significantly easier! 

{Rare TV Moment}

I am also doing something new this month. We found a great church and have started getting plugged in. We signed up for a small group on Sunday nights and I am doing a women's bible study on Thursday mornings. The study I chose is Stuck by Jennie Allen. I really chose it based on the art on the front of the book and the lack of art on the other books. Turns out, it has been a really great study for me. 

{Aforementioned, Enticing Book Cover}

One of the things we really love about our new church is childcare. The church not only provides childcare services for Sunday Services, but for small group times and bible studies as well. Ok, ok so this might make me sound like a terrible person, but I love being able to drop my kids off and have some adult conversation/time to worship. I am really impressed with what the staff is teaching Asher, even at only 14 months old. 

{Asher's First Sunday School Craft}

Stay tuned, I will post about our trip to the zoo, a new family member, and some cool Grandmas!