Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baby Declan!

Declan James Kelley
January 18, 2013 4:31 pm
6 pounds 13 ounces
19 1/4 inches 

At 26 weeks I went in for a routine doctors appointment and ultrasound. The doctors discovered my cervix was very short and my body was going into preterm labor. We spent 6 weeks in the High Risk Unit trying to keep Declan inside and safe. After spending Christmas and New Years at home with family, it was finally time to meet our littlest boy. 

I was actually very thankful for my stay in the hospital when it came time to deliver. Our favorite doctor just happened to be working and she was wonderful. We really had our hopes up for a successful VBAC and a supportive doctor makes all the difference. When we checked in, I was already dilated to 4 cm, but it still took a few hours on Pitosin to get things moving along. I was a bit discouraged when Declan's heart rate dropped because I knew it wouldn't take much for the doctors to say I needed to have another c-section. Turns out his heart rate dropped with his body, and I went from 6 cm to 10 cm in 4 minutes. I pushed for about 16 minutes and the rest is history. 

We couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. My body is recovering faster than I could have imagined and little Declan is as healthy as can be. 

Spending some time with Dad. 

Ready to go home!

Side by side of the brothers sleeping like their Auntie Em.

Asher checking Declan out, he approves.

So many of you prayed for this little guy.
 It truly is a miracle that he is here and healthy. 
We serve a pretty awesome God.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Asher!

We had a little party for Smash on Thursday for his first birthday.

Nothing fancy, I made cupcakes and some of our family came to celebrate.

The boy didn't really get into the cupcakes. 
He was far more concerned about playing with the toys he got.

Mom and Dad sure do love you, Little Man.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Our little family is expanding and I would love a way to document milestones in our boys' lives. Hope you enjoy keeping up with us as our little ones grow.