Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One & Thirteen

Declan. {1 month}

You are one whole month old, little guy. It was a big month for you! A trip to OKC to meet your great grandma, a few doctors appointments, and a sip and see kept us very busy.

{The Pinterest Inspired Table at Declan's Sip and See}

Sleeping is kind of your thing during the day, but when 9 pm roles around we can count on those eyes being wide open. Despite the awake period from 9 pm to 12 am, you sleep pretty great at night, waking up around 4 and 7 am to eat. We are super thankful for your sleeping habits.

{The Many Sleepy Faces of Our Sleepy Kid}

Newborn clothes are still a bit big on you and you are still rockin the newborn diapers. You love to be snuggled and held all the time. The Baby Bjorne has quickly become Mommy's best friend.

Grandma watches you and your brother a couple hours a day 3 or 4 days a week so Mom can go to work. This means you have to take a bottle, but you don't seem to mind at all. The pacifier is a different story, you have zero interest in that thing.

{One of the Few Binky Moments We Get}

We aren't really sure who you resemble at this point. It really varies from day to day. One thing is for sure, we can't wait to get to know you and your little personality as you continue to grow!


Asher. {13 months}

Has your life changed or what, big guy?! I had some suspicion after a few pretty bad reactions after eating certain foods and asked your doctor at your one year check up. He ran the test and sure enough you are allergic to eggs and nuts. Bummer dude! We have had to be super conscious about making a change in not only your diet, but ours too. We are learning slowly but surely. One of the moms at the gym heard me talking about these allergies and blessed us with an allergen free baking cookbook. I can't wait to try out some of these (hopefully) delicious recipes!

Sleep is one thing we feel has greatly improved since removing nuts and eggs from your diet. You sleep significantly better at night! We rarely hear you up and crying, which is a huge change from before. The constant runny nose and terrible dirty diapers are all but gone as well. What a relief!

In other news, you would much rather walk than crawl. It is too funny to see you lumber around like Frankenstein. You love to push buttons, turn the lights on and off, sort shapes, and your favorite toy is still the hockey stick. In fact, you walk around pushing the puck with the stick, saying "Alex." That uncle of yours is a pretty cool guy for making you a mini hockey stick!

It's been a crazy month for all of us, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read of the improvements with Asher since taking out nuts and eggs. You must be relieved.
